Defend against escalating fraud threats while protecting your customers’ experience

Navigate rapidly evolving risks with a proactive, multi-layered fraud strategy

The fraud environment has never been more turbulent. Fueled by data breaches, EMV conversions and the rise of mobile channels, fraud schemes continue to escalate and evolve.

You need to strengthen authentication security and deflect fraudsters while protecting your business and preserving the customer experience.

The LexisNexis® Risk Defense Platform is a configurable policy decisioning engine that provides single-point access to a myriad of authentication tools and industry-proven decisioning insights that keep your fraud deflection strategy ahead of the next big threat. By combining intuitive verification and authentication solutions with highly advanced analytics, including machine learning, the platform helps your business manage complex fraud and identity rules to achieve secure authentication and attain the ideal business process workflow.

Customize risk management and concentrate on valuable customers:

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With the LexisNexis® Risk Defense Platform you can support a responsive risk management strategy that enables your business to elevate the customer experience, execute on core business objectives and proactively prevent new fraud threats. Complete this form to learn more.

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LexisNexis Risk Solutions