Insights from the LexisNexis® Risk Solutions Special Investigations Unit (SIU)

Some of your digital defenses may be obsolete. But they don't have to stay that way.

Across government programs, our SIU has analyzed account takeovers, criminal intrusions and recurrent fraud. These threats take advantage of certain weaknesses, where digital defenses are typically less robust than they could be.

As detailed in our new SIU tip sheet summarizing three trends in fraudulent identity transactions, your systems may be vulnerable if you are:
  • Relying on internal identity records for verification and authentication
  • Using a simple IP address geolocation tool as a digital defense
  • Focusing on one interaction or transaction at a time
Better defenses are available. Let our SIU help you spot some of the most insidious threats and fix any vulnerabilities.

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Medicaid Success Story

Unemployment Insurance Success Story

SIU Overview Brochure